I was born on October 14, 1977 in the department of Isère with a Cyto-Mégalo virus, it is a virus which is at the origin of weak immune defenses in the blood.
This pathology was discovered in me at the age of 1 month and disappeared from my body at the age of 6 years.
I could tell you about the father of Céline, my sister, whose name was Denis NOIR, who also abused me.
I was only between 4 and 6 years old when he regularly threw me against the walls or burned me with his cigarette on my body, or did other things to me that I don’t really remember.
At the age of 6 I found myself in a Somato-Psychological center in Lens-en-Vercors in the department of Isère for children who had problems:
– either behavioral,
– or in serious school failure.
I was in this center from my 6 years to my 10 years.
The 4 years that I spent in this Somato-Psychological center which was called le bocage were, I believe, the best years of my childhood, because I felt really happy.
Where it is true that I was a little bit turbulent child and that it also happened to me to do some silly things like all children, but it is in this Somato-Psychological center that I really had the true happiness that a child must have.
When I was 6 years old until my 12th year, I only came home on weekends and during school holidays.
And during those times when I was at home, when my mom was away, another family member whose name I won’t mention started touching me sexually.
He told me every time that it was both our secret and that no one would understand, that’s why I shouldn’t tell anyone.
Of course, in addition to touching, I was regularly raped.
I haven’t told anyone about it.
It was at the age of 13 at the start of the 1990 school year that I had my first sexual relationship with my girlfriend at the time, having had a lot of trouble in this relationship, my girlfriend at the time didn’t let me go until I confessed to him what had happened to me in my childhood regarding the rapes by this member of my family.
My girlfriend was the first person I told about it, then I told an uncle and an aunt of my mother’s family, and after that it reached my mother’s ears.
But that’s not all, it’s that following this experience of rape which lasted for 6 long years, in my head I totally freaked out.
I found myself being followed by child psychiatrists
At the age of 10 I left the Somato-Psychological center to find myself in a house of correction because I had at the time when I was in this Somato-Psychological center involuntarily set fire to a barn where there is had of course for several thousand francs of material damage.
I only stayed in this correctional center near Pont-de-Claix in the region of Grenoble in the department 38 Isère only 8 months.
I celebrated my 11th birthday in this reformatory.
And it was after I left this house of correction at the end of April 1988 that I went with my parents to a village called Chauffayer in department 05 of the Hautes-Alpes.
And the following September I joined an IME Institute-Medical-Educational in the city of Gap, department 05.
Given the nervous behavior that I had as well as some psychological concerns that I had as a child, I could not be educated in the normal school.
From my 11 years old to my 17 years old, I was educated in 2 Medical-Educational Institutes where I received lessons in technical workshops in general-purpose over a period of 3 years such as:
– kitchen in catering,
– woodwork,
– horticulture,
– masonry,
– building painting,
– and metalwork.
Being a teenager in this establishment of Institut-Médico-Éducatif, having some nervous problems because I was considered a very turbulent child, the doctor prescribed me neuroleptic drugs.
My mom was against it.
The doctors did not want to stop the treatments.
With all the neuroleptics I had at that time, which represents between 15 and 20 tablets a day, I found myself having behavioral problems which led me to a psychiatric clinic in Bouc-Bel-Air near Marseille. , in 1995, for about 2 to 3 months, because I was taking my medication haphazardly.
I also celebrated my 18th birthday in this clinic.
Of course, having stayed in this clinic, my condition did not improve.
When my Mom came to pick me up at the end of October 1995, I was a real zombie.
Let me explain :
– I ate practically nothing,
– and I slept all day and all night,
– I was unable to walk straight,
– and I staggered as if I had consumed a large dose of alcohol.
And it went on for several weeks before I got rid of the drugs in my body that had completely drugged me.
Following this, my mom took me to see a specialized doctor with whom she filled out an « A.A.H » request,
which means :
– « Allowance for Disabled Adults ».
Following this, my mother applied for housing in a village called Saint-Pierre de Chérennes in Isère.
It is in this village that the collective suicide of the sect of the solar temple took place in December 1995.
If you look on Google, you will have all the information concerning this episode.
In 1998 my mother gave her heart to the LORD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, and I did the same, except that I was not really sincere in my heart.
As my mother had given her heart to the LORD JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, I said to myself to show myself well, I will do the same thing, but at that time I had no personal relationship with the LORD JEJUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, because in reality I was in the service of Satan.
So in my life, there was no change, and I continued despite going to church on Sundays with my mom to do:
– my nonsense,
– and my breaches of the penal code,
during the week.
I am the eldest of 3 children:
– my sister Celine,
– and my brother Christophe.
I’m not going to talk about what happened:
– my mom,
– my sister Celine,
– or my brother Christophe,
because I can’t speak for them.
Here I am just telling you my personal testimony.
Having suffered a lot in my childhood from having been taken away from the family home to be in this Somato-Psychological center as well as in the Medical-Educational Institute, I resented my mother and my sister, because I was a little jealous.
My sister was home every day, and I often only came home one weekend a month.
As a result of this jealousy and resentment that I had towards my family, I took revenge on my little brother by abusing him physically and psychologically when he was only a very small child.
And aside of course, I do a lot of silly things and I committed a lot of offenses punishable by human law as well as by the law of THE ETERNAL ALMIGHTY.
At the end of 2001, I go to Paris with my dog Pila whom I adopted when she was 2 months old, and of course, as I come to Paris just with:
– my dog,
– my backpack,
– and hands in pockets,
I found myself homeless.
Arriving in Paris, I did not know the addresses where you could:
– to eat for free,
– wash for free,
– or be hosted for free,
« So we can say that I experienced hunger and lack of cleanliness ».
I have been so hungry that I preferred to share my dog’s kibble between her and me.
I know it may disgust some people what I just said, but I assure you that when we are really hungry, we are ready to eat whatever we can get our hands on.
When I say hunger, I’m not talking about skipping a meal or two, but I’m talking about going 7-8 days without eating anything.
My mom arrived in Paris a few months after me, and I found her again by the grace of THE ETERNAL ALMIGHTY in circumstances that could only come from THE ETERNAL ALMIGHTY.
Shortly after, my mom and my brother found a long term hotel room, and following that, I was able to leave my dog at the hotel and there I was free to move to commit all kinds of offences:
– Flight
– Assault
– Heist
– Attempted rape
– Attempted murder.
And on top of that, I was someone:
– very violent,
– and racist.
I fought all the time, and with everyone, and I experienced periods of police custody regularly.
I assure you, it was better that you didn’t know me then, because I was a mean person inside and out and I didn’t care what harm I could do.
One day my mom told me this:
Stop because if you continue like this you risk:
– either to end up in a psychiatric hospital,
– or in jail.
Imagine that I had my own way at that time, and as I did not listen to the warnings of my mother who came from THE LORD ALMIGHTY Himself, I knew:
– and jail,
– and the psychiatric hospital.
In prison no one could be with me so much that I was looking for a fight.
The guards put me on my own, and I even got death threats from other inmates.
But today, I am convinced that despite the evil I was doing, THE LORD ALMIGHTY protected me in his love.
Released from prison, I continued my nonsense, and there, on the other hand, I found myself hospitalized automatically in a psychiatric hospital, because I was so violent that it was the police themselves who was taken to the isolation room where I was locked up for 2 months:
– from June 6, 2012 to August 6, 2012.
And following the isolation, I was sent to « U.S.I.P » in Nice.
« U.S.I.P » means:
– « Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit ».
This is where prisoners who need psychiatric care are locked up.
It was during my period of confinement in the hospital that I sincerely repented before THE LORD ALMIGHTY and that I sought to get closer to him.
My repentance was sincere, although this will not prevent me from relapsing a few months later in:
– the flight,
– The lie,
– sexual assaults,
– as well as violence.
It is since 2013 that I again repented of all the willful sins committed.
Since then I have done everything to walk straight with THE ETERNAL ALMIGHTY and to please Him with my everyday behavior.
It was worth the LORD ALMIGHTY coming back to me and I can finally know happiness.
Since then I do nothing without asking THE LORD ALMIGHTY first, and when I make a mistake, I sincerely repent and do everything not to start again.
As I often say:
– « If THE ETERNAL ALMIGHTY has changed me, he can change anyone ».
But the condition is that the person wants to change.
The teachings that I regularly publish on the site that I have created do not come from me, but from THE ETERNAL ALMIGHTY HIMSELF.
And if I tell you this, it is to tell you that if THE LORD ALMIGHTY does it with me, he can do it with others.
The condition is to seek THE LORD ALMIGHTY with all your heart, and to walk in love and repentance.